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13-year-old on Ukrainian goverment kill list speaks out
13-year-old on Ukrainian goverment kill list speaks out Plandemic 14 Visninger • 2 flere år siden

⁣Have you heard of "Myrotvorets"? It is a monstrous site that continues to operate unhindered since December 2014 in Ukraine. Despite the (defensive) total control of the Kyiv regime over the media.

Made with the direct support of the Ukrainian secret services, Myrotvorets (in translation "Bringer of Peace") is basically a blacklist of "enemies of Ukraine", with personal data and an explicit call for their liquidation.

Among the "enemies of Ukraine" to be assassinated is Scott Ritter, a US citizen, a former UN weapons of mass destruction inspector and a critic of the Iraq war. And now of the US involvement in the war in Ukraine. And an excellent military analyst.

Roger Waters, the famous musician from Pink Floyd, is also on the blacklist of the "Bringer of Peace".

Or Daria Dughina, killed in August in a car bomb terrorist attack. To its right, it now reads: "Liquidated".

The "guilt" of these death row inmates is not that they fought against Ukraine with arms in hand. Or they would have planted bombs, like the Ukrainian "patriots".

They must die for daring to criticize the Kyiv regime. Sometimes, not even for that.

Some are sentenced to death for calling for an end to the war.

Among them, many CHILDREN. Hundreds. With names, photos, addresses, phone numbers, family information.

One of these children sentenced to death by the Zelensky regime is 13-year-old Faina Savenkova from Luhansk, Donbas.

The girl's "fault" is that she sent a letter to the UN to end the war that started in 2014, the nightmare in which she lived practically her entire childhood.

Faina was invited by the journalist Max Blumenthal in a show broadcast on The Grayzone website.

The testimony of the brave child is moving. Look:

Rigged - Planul finanțat de Zuckerberg pentru a-l învinge pe Donald Trump (2022)
Rigged - Planul finanțat de Zuckerberg pentru a-l învinge pe Donald Trump (2022) Plandemic 28 Visninger • 2 flere år siden

⁣Alegerile prezidențiale din 2020 au lăsat mai multe întrebări decât răspunsuri. Peste 10 milioane de americani în plus au votat pentru președintele Donald Trump în 2020 față de 2016, dar președintele a pierdut. Astăzi, un număr covârșitor de americani spun că democrația este amenințată.

Rigged 2020 este un documentar care nu seamănă cu niciun altul. Acest film, care a fost produs de David Bossie de la Citizens United, urmărește să informeze publicul cu privire la ceea ce s-a întâmplat în perioada premergătoare alegerilor prezidențiale din 2020.
"Dacă încerci să schimbi un sistem atât de puternic... sistemul ripostează", spune fostul președinte al Camerei Reprezentanților Newt Gingrich.

Acest film examinează povestea din spatele celei mai mari acțiuni de preluare a alegerilor din istorie, precum și efectul pe care Mark Zuckerberg și portofelul său l-au avut asupra alegerii lui Joe Biden la Casa Albă.
Zuckerberg a cheltuit cei mai mulți bani pe care i-a cheltuit vreodată un individ pentru a câștiga o campanie prezidențială, spune Ted Cruz în Rigged 2020. Nu există niciun dubiu care candidat a beneficiat.

"Credeți că au folosit urgența Covid ca scuză pentru a pune la cale această operațiune partizană de atragere a votanților?".
"Îmi este permis să vă dau un răspuns într-un singur cuvânt? DA." — Presedintele Donald Trump

Cu interviuri exclusive cu președintele Donald J. Trump, președintele Camerei Reprezentanților Newt Gingrich, senatorul Ted Cruz, procurorul general Jeff Landry, congresmenul Claudia Tenney, congresmenul Jody Hice, Kellyanne Conway, Ken Blackwell, Ken Cuccinelli, Cleta Mitchell, Michael Gableman, Janel Brandtjen și Scott Walter, Rigged urmărește banii și descoperă faptele surprinzătoare din spatele alegerilor din 2020 pentru a răspunde odată pentru totdeauna la întrebarea: Ce s-a întâmplat ? și să ne asigurăm că nu se va mai întâmpla niciodată.

Regia: Jason Killian Meath
Scenariști: David Bossie, Jason Killian Meath
Lansare film: 5 aprilie 2022
Traducere in romana: Ionel Trandafir

⁣⁣Adolf Hitler - The greatest story never told [full documentary]
⁣⁣Adolf Hitler - The greatest story never told [full documentary] World History 12 Visninger • 2 flere år siden

⁣⁣Adolf Hitler - The greatest story never told [full documentary]

1 - Adolf Hitler's childhood, from his birth and early life, throughout
his WW1 exploits and into his early political career.

2 - Hitler goes to prison whilst Germany descends into poverty. The
NSDAP rise to power, the Nuremberg Rallies and Germany prospers again.

3 - History of the swastika including the Anschluss, more on Hitler’s
relationship with Eva Braun, and the Sudeten conflict.

4 - Germany and the Jews, Crystal Night and the Transfer Agreement
between Palestine & Germany, and Benjamin Freedman speech.

5 - The truth behind WW1 and the Treaty of Versailles which was a great
injustice ultimately leading to the Allies declaring WW2.

6 - England and France declare war because of the German-Polish
conflict, meanwhile in Berlin, everyone celebrates a great victory.

PART 7 - The American Racism that has carried on way into the 60’s and Roosevelt’s Fake Neutrality and deception.

PART 8 - War in Europe and the daring Operation Barbarossa, the push into Russia to cripple Zionist Communism forever.

9 - After the bloodiest part of WW2 and most likely the darkest hour
the Allies would like us to forget. The dishonour and lies that we have
been told, and the blood that has been drawn to cover it up.

10 -Stalingrad and the onslaught of German Forces East with Japan in
the South-East fighting Communism against China and France.

11 - The Red Terror and the Partisans as the Wermacht retreat westward
at the Battle of Kursk, then the Bloodiest Massacre at Katyn and the

PART 12 - Breaking Mussolini out the daring
prison break by the most dangerous man in Europe, Otto Skorzeny, called
Operation Oak. Hitler chooses three men to free Mussolini.

13 - This episode shows the hidden web of money and lies and the
billions of dollars the Americans invested into the rise of Communism.

14 - General Leon DeGrelle, the most famous of the Waffen SS. "My
Honour is My Loyalty", he earned all stripes from Corporal to General,
and died at the age of 87.

PART 15 - Battle of the Bulge,
which nearly turned the War on it's head; the march through Moscow to
the Gulag; and one man's heroic escape home to his family.

16 - The Treachery and the bombing of civilians by the Americans and
British; Stalin slaughtering millions upon millions of Russians and

PART 17 - Battle of Berlin and the death of Adolf
Hitler; the Russians are bombarding Berlin from the east; in the west
the Allies pushing hard; Berlin falls.

PART 18 - The
horrific deaths of Joseph & Magda Goebbels, Operation
Slaughterhouse, and the Allied mistreatment of German prisoners.

PART 19 - The de-Nazification and ethnic cleansing of the Germans, whilst in Asia, the war continues with Japan.

PART 20 - The London Cage, a series of nine cages in Britain where the torture of Germans took place.

PART 21 - David Cole, the history of the six million.

PART 22 - Plunder of German technology, de

Nikola Tesla - Limitless Energy & the Pyramids of Egypt
Nikola Tesla - Limitless Energy & the Pyramids of Egypt World History 4 Visninger • 2 flere år siden

Stream 2 full seasons of Ancient Civilizations for free at only on Gaia.
DISCLOSURE: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning when you click the links and make a purchase, we receive a commission.

Nikola Tesla (10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943) was a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist who is best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system. Tesla held over 300 patents and is responsible for inventing the laser, x-ray, radio, Tesla coil, Tesla turbine, neon signs, induction motor, remote control and many more. Tesla was a brilliant mind, but did not focus his energy on monetizing his inventions and had difficulty socializing. He died alone in a small hotel in New York.
The Great Pyramid of Giza (also known as the Pyramid of Khufu or the Pyramid of Cheops) is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza pyramid complex bordering present-day El Giza, Egypt. It is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only one to remain largely intact. Correction: In the video I draw a line pointing to the middle pyramid as The Great Pyramid. The Great Pyramid is actually the northern most pyramid of the 3.

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Music: Mars by Stellardrone