Vídeos curtidos

JavaScript Full Course 🌐 (2024)
JavaScript Full Course 🌐 (2024) Bro Code 3 Visualizações • 4 meses atrás

⁣⭐Time Stamps⭐
1 00:00:00 JavaScript tutorial for beginners 🌐
2 00:12:32 Variables 📦
3 00:25:20 Arithmetic operators ➕
4 00:33:47 Accept user input 💬
5 00:39:09 Type conversion 💱
6 00:44:48 Constants 🚫
7 00:52:30 ⭐ Counter program 🔢
8 01:01:46 Math object 🧮
9 01:07:23 Random number generator ⁉
10 01:15:59 If statements 🤔
11 01:31:56 Checked property ✅
12 01:42:03 Ternary operator ❓
13 01:48:49 Switches 💡
14 01:55:33 String methods 🧵
15 02:03:35 String slicing ✂
16 02:11:36 Method chaining ⛓
17 02:17:03 Logical operators ❗
18 02:22:44 Strict equality 🟰
19 02:26:41 While loops 🔁
20 02:34:53 For loops 🔂
21 02:40:37 ⭐ Number guessing game ↕
22 02:49:31 Functions 📞
23 03:01:44 Variable scope 🏠
24 03:07:10 ⭐ Temperature conversion program 🌡
25 03:23:28 Arrays 🗃
26 03:31:33 Spread operator 📖
27 03:36:27 Rest parameters 🗄
28 03:44:32 ⭐ Dice Roller program 🎲
29 03:58:44 ⭐ Random password generator 🔑
30 04:10:49 Callbacks 🤙
31 04:18:05 forEach() ➿
32 04:26:07 map() 🗺
33 04:33:08 filter() 🚰
34 04:39:37 reduce() ♻
35 04:45:07 Function expressions 🐣
36 04:52:39 Arrow functions 🎯
37 05:00:40 JavaScript Ojects🧍
38 05:07:40 What is THIS 👈
39 05:12:07 Constructors 🛠
40 05:17:38 Classes 🏭
41 05:23:47 STATIC keyword ⚡
42 05:31:50 Inheritance 🐇
43 05:38:53 SUPER keyword 🦸‍♂️
44 05:48:14 Getters & Setters 📐
45 06:01:28 Destructuring 💥
46 06:10:08 Nested objects 📫
47 06:19:21 Arrays of objects 🍎
48 06:29:21 Sorting 🗃
49 06:36:03 Shuffle an array 🔀
50 06:40:08 Dates 📅
51 06:48:09 Closures 🔒
52 06:59:07 setTimeout() ⏰
53 07:05:20 ⭐ Digital Clock program 🕐
54 07:16:07 ⭐ Stopwatch program ⏱
55 07:34:12 ES6 Modules 🚢
56 07:40:17 Asynchronous code 💤
57 07:45:04 Error handling ⚠
58 07:54:06 ⭐ Calculator program 🖩
59 08:09:26 What is the DOM? 🌳
60 08:14:26 Element selectors 📑
61 08:32:04 DOM navigation 🧭
62 08:47:31 Add & change HTML 🛠
63 09:03:03 Mouse events 🖱
64 09:13:33 Key events ⌨
65 09:24:49 Hide/show HTML 🖼
66 09:30:00 NodeLists 📃
67 09:43:21 classList 🧾
68 09:59:20 ⭐ Rock Paper Scissors 👊
69 10:18:14 ⭐ Image Slider 🖼
0 10:34:03 Callback Hell? 🔥
71 10:39:50 Promises 🤞
72 10:52:24 Async/Await ⏳
73 10:57:00 JSON files 📄
74 11:07:07 Fetch data from an API ↩
75 11:21:22 ⭐ Weather App project ☀

This course is a combination of individual videos from my JavaScript playlist. Additional topics discussed can be found in the original playlist that did not fit into this 12-hour series. Code for each topic is pinned underneath each video in the original playlist.

Copyright Disclaimer:
This video is the intellectual property of Bro Code. All rights reserved. No part of this video may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including but not limited to recording, uploading, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without my written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Vieti distruse de efectele adverse ale vaccinurilor - ARTE Regards
Vieti distruse de efectele adverse ale vaccinurilor - ARTE Regards Plandemic 16 Visualizações • 1 ano atrás

⁣Arte TV a difuzat un reportaj despre efectele adverse grave ale vaccinurilor Covid-19. O raritate. Acest film al regizoarei germane Silvia Kaiser, care include mărturii ale unor victime grav afectate de vaccinare, a fost difuzat în grila de programe a postului miercuri, 8 februarie 2023.
YouTube - în ciuda unui avertisment că subiectul este susceptibil de a fi "supus dezinformării" - oferă filmul, care are mai mult de jumătate de milion de vizualizări (la 12 februarie 2023). Suficient pentru a elibera libertatea de exprimare?

"Pascal speră să obțină o întâlnire cu profesorul Bernhard Schieffer de la spitalul universitar din Marburg, responsabil de Serviciul post-vaccinare. Dar el se află pe o listă de așteptare cu 6.500 de persoane care suferă de sindromul post-vaccinare. "

6.500 de persoane, o cifră care nu se potrivește cu afirmația "o parte infimă a populației".

ARTE recunoaște, în sfârșit, pericolul acestor injecții... ceea ce este un prim pas.

Dar, din minutul 9, realitatea este deturnată, prof. Schieffer ignorând existenta grafenului și a proteinei spike.... susținând la minutul 14.45 că doar "0,02%" dintre cei injectați suferă efecte grave și că acest lucru este "în norma" vaccinurilor clasice...

În ceea ce-l privește pe prof. Kleinschnitz, care in analiza sa nu se refera la motive de sănătate, la minutul 26, acesta afirmă cu nerușinare că recunoașterea efectelor "ar dăuna campaniei de injectare și ar costa prea mult societatea" .
"Atunci s-ar pune problema despăgubirilor. Ar trebui să se stabilească cine poate și cine nu poate să le primească. Dacă ar fi recunoscută o relație cauză-efect, aceasta ar fi foarte costisitoare pentru societate”. “dacă recunoaștem fenomenul, s-ar putea să nu ajute campania de vaccinare, o cauză pe care o susțin foarte mult". Am putea oare să cunoaștem conflictele de interese ale acestui medic? "Ar fi foarte costisitor pentru societate". Poftim. În afară de asta, este un medic care ar trebui să respecte jurământul lui Hipocrate. Total hipocrit!

În ceea ce privește faptul că aceste otrăvuri sunt "în general bine tolerate", am avea tendința de a vedea contrariul, având în vedere explozia numărului de accidente vasculare cerebrale, miocardite, avorturi spontane ..... și morți subite..... ca să nu mai vorbim de prăbușirea fertilității.

Ascultați cu atenție retorica din acest film și veți înțelege perversitatea limbajului.

1. Discursul susține raritatea cazurilor:
"Efectele secundare sunt foarte rare" ... Ei se referă doar la cifrele ministrului Sănătății, desigur!

2. Cenzura cifrelor reale:
Nu se menționează niciodată datele oficiale exacte privind reacțiile adverse și decesele provocate de "vaccinul" experimental, de la EUDRAVIGILANCE, VAERS, ci doar de la Institutul Ehrlich.

3. "Vaccinul" nu a fost niciodată pus la îndoială:
Toți medicii care au luat cuvântul cred cu tărie în vaccin, cu beneficii mai mari decât efectele adverse, fără cifre.

4. Normalizarea riscului și lipsa de responsabilitate
... a statului, a companiilor BIG Pharma și a medicilor
Efectele adverse fac parte din riscul vaccinurilor, pacienții trebuie să aibă grijă de ei înșiși...

5. Crearea unei confuzii între "Covid lung" și "efectele secundare ale vaccinului
Ca și cum Covidul lung ar fi existat deja înainte de vaccinul experimental => efecte secundare = Covid lung

6. Concepte false
ARTE continuă să vorbească și să normalizeze concepte false de bază: Covid-19, Covid lung și pandemie și "vaccinuri" (înțelegându-se ca fiind "valide" fără a menționa vreodată studiul clinic încă în curs de desfășurare în rândul populației)

Concluzia finala a filmului: "Este ghinion pentru acele RARE persoane, dar să continuăm injecțiile bunului doctor Pfizer, pentru că important este să nu răcești.... nu-i așa !!".

Bravo ARTE !... Un alt exemplu de infamie mediatică!... 🤢
Ionel Trandafir

Traducere: Ionel Trandafir
15 februarie 2023

Pfizer Exposed For Exploring Mutating COVID19 Virus For New Vaccines Via Directed Evolution
Pfizer Exposed For Exploring Mutating COVID19 Virus For New Vaccines Via Directed Evolution Plandemic 9 Visualizações • 1 ano atrás

Mission Statement
Investigate & expose corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions in order to achieve a more ethical & transparent society.

Core Values
MORAL COURAGE - Courage is the virtue that sustains all others. We choose to overcome our fears.

WE ARE ALL LEADERS - Turning people into leaders. Completed staff work. Ownership.

COLLABORATION - Best not to work in silos. No one individual is as smart as all of us.

RESILIENCE - Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. Never, ever, ever give up. We don't let mistakes or setbacks discourage us. Pursue perfection, knowing full well you will never attain it.

MISSION DRIVEN - The best people are motivated by purpose. We are passionate and truly believe in our cause. We must be externally focused, not internally focused.

MAKE THE STATUS QUO DO THE IMPOSSIBLE - We move mountains. Failure is not an option. We do whatever it takes.

THE TIP OF THE SPEAR - We are a loss leader. We do not shy away from conflict or litigation.

Ethical Values
Rule #1 – Truth is paramount. Our reporting is fact based with clear and irrefutable video and audio content. Truth is paramount. We never deceive our audience. We do not distort the facts or the context. We do not “selectively edit.”

Rule #2 – We do not break the law. We maintain one-party consent when recording someone is inherently moral and ethical. We never record when there is zero-party consent. In areas where we are required to have consent from all parties, we seek legal guidance regarding the expectation of privacy’s impact on our right to record.

Rule #3 – We adhere to the 1st Amendment rights of others. During our investigations we do not disrupt the peace. We do not infringe on the 1st Amendment rights of others.

Rule #4 – The Zekman Test. The undercover investigations we pursue are judged by us to be of “vital public interest” and “profound importance.” The Zekman Test is our baseline. Undercover investigative reporting is necessary because, “...there’s no other way to get the story...” Whereas the Society of Professional Journalists allows for undercover techniques, if undercover techniques are necessary to expose issues of vital public importance; we believe they are not only allowed but required.

Rule #5 – We Protect the Innocent When Possible - Embarrassing private details are not to be investigated. We stay away from irrelevant embarrassingly intimate details about private citizens personal lives. We look for individual wrong-doing and judge its public importance. The irrelevant religious or sexual dispositions of our targets are not to be investigated.

Rule #6 – Transparency. Our methods & tactics must be reasonable and defensible. We use the “Twelve Jurors on Our Shoulder” rule. The work has to be done with such a degree of integrity that it can withstand scrutiny in both law & ethics. We are comfortable with transparency. We must be willing to be ready to disclose our methods upon publication.

Rule #7 – Verifying and Corroborate Stories – Evaluate impact on third parties and Newsworthiness of Statements Alone.We consistently consider the probable truth or falsity of statements, examine any reasons to doubt the veracity of underlying assertions and whether the assertions are newsworthy. When possible, we will confirm with our subjects that their statements captured on video are accurate & truthful. At the very least, we will give our subjects an opportunity to elaborate and/or respond. In all matters, we rely on the 1st Amendment to protect our ability to publish newsworthy items after our internal deliberations. On whether there is an obligation to ensure the veracity of statements made on video, 1.) consider whether the remarks may potentially impact an innocent third party. (Factors in support of releasing the content) and 2.)The Newsworthiness of the statement alone by itself. (Factors against releasing the content).

Rule #8 – Raw Video. In certain circumstances we may release the “raw” video to the press and or the public. But as a rule, we do not.

Rule #9 – Subject Anonymity. We investigate & question sources before promising anonymity. Once we confirm, we will do everything in our power to protect the identity of our confidential sources.

Rule #10 – Being Accountable. Admit mistakes & correct them promptly.

Rule #11 – We do not manufacture content. We do not put words in our investigative subjects' mouths. We do not lead the horse to water. Our purpose is to elicit truth.

Rule #12 – With Great Power comes Great Responsibility.

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