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13 विचारों· 19 नवंबर 2021·

⁣Cristian Terhes: Certificatul Verde Digital un nou "Zid al Berlinului" care separa oameni

15 ग्राहकों

⁣Cristian Terhes
Prin Certificatul Verde Digital un nou "Zid al Berlinului", care separa oamenii, se construieste in Europa. Dintr-o unealta creata pentru a "facilita" libertatea de circulatie, astfel cum s-a votat in Parlamentul European, cu aprobarea Comisiei Europene acest certificat a ajuns sa conditioneze in prezent exercitarea drepturilor si libertatilor fundamentale, incalcandu-se TOATE valorile pe care s-a fondat UE.

Avem obligatia de a ne opune acestei tiranii pentru a lasa generatiilor de dupa nou cadoul libertatii pe care si noi l-am primit de la generatiile anterioare!

Domnule Sassoli, doamna Ursula von der Leyen, "daramati acest zid" nenorocit, creat de Certificatul Verde Digital, care divizeaza si abuzeaza europenii!


With the Digital Green Certificate a new "Berlin Wall", which separates people, is being built in Europe. From a tool created to "facilitate" freedom of movement, as voted in the European Parliament, this certificate has now become, with the approval of the European Commission, a tool to condition the exercise of fundamental rights and freedoms, violating ALL the values on which the EU was built on.

We have the obligation to oppose this tyranny to leave to the next generations the precious gift of liberty that we also received from the previous generations!

Mr. Sassoli, Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen, "tear down this damn wall", created by the Digital Green Certificate, which divides and abuses Europeans!

Cristian Terhes
Prin Certificatul Verde Digital un nou "Zid al Berlinului", care separa oamenii, se construieste in Europa. Dintr-o unealta creata pentru a "facilita" libertatea de circulatie, astfel cum s-a votat in Parlamentul European, cu aprobarea Comisiei Europene acest certificat a ajuns sa conditioneze in prezent exercitarea drepturilor si libertatilor fundamentale, incalcandu-se TOATE valorile pe care s-a fondat UE.

Avem obligatia de a ne opune acestei tiranii pentru a lasa generatiilor de dupa nou cadoul libertatii pe care si noi l-am primit de la generatiile anterioare!

Domnule Sassoli, doamna Ursula von der Leyen, "daramati acest zid" nenorocit, creat de Certificatul Verde Digital, care divizeaza si abuzeaza europenii!


With the Digital Green Certificate a new "Berlin Wall", which separates people, is being built in Europe. From a tool created to "facilitate" freedom of movement, as voted in the European Parliament, this certificate has now become, with the approval of the European Commission, a tool to condition the exercise of fundamental rights and freedoms, violating ALL the values on which the EU was built on.

We have the obligation to oppose this tyranny to leave to the next generations the precious gift of liberty that we also received from the previous generations!

Mr. Sassoli, Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen, "tear down this damn wall", created by the Digital Green Certificate, which divides and abuses Europeans!

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